Cleanse Yo’self
Please call us 407-446-9257 to place your cleanse orders.
We need a 48 hour notice to make sure we have enough product for your cleanse.
Call the store to get a Discount for your Juice Cleanse
Juice #1
Beetle JuiceJuice #2
You’re Kale-in itJuices #3 & #5
Sassy Grassy
Juice #4
NamsteJuice #6
Fresh made almond mylk

What is a juice cleanse?
A juice cleanse is a safe way to revitalize and reboot your system from poor dietary choices such as heavy meals and over processed foods. The concentrated nutrients that you receive from a juice cleanse will stimulate your system to let natural healing occur.
What are the benefits of a one day, three day, and 5 day cleanse”
A one day cleanse is used by many as maintenance for the body or a chance to take a weekly break from the process of digestion. One day cleanses are also an excellent chance to see if a juice cleanse is right for you.
Three to five day cleanses can be used to reboot the body or as a building block to longer cleanses. Ten days or more is where real healing work begins.

When should I do a juice cleanse?
Cleanses are best thought of as a gift for your body. Consider doing a cleanse seasonally to have your body flow with the rhythm of the changing seasons. If you are feeling bloated, sluggish and foggy then give yourself a couple of days to prepare and take a break from solid food. Be kind to yourself and do not plan a cleanse during a challenging time when big events are coming up, such as weddings, final exams or the holidays.

Before the cleanse:
Preparation is key since your organs will not be digesting foods for a few days. It is important to wean yourself off of caffeine, white foods (pasta, rice, & sugars), dairy, and meat three days prior to cleanse to prepare your body for detoxification. When you eliminate those foods your mind will get prepared for the cleanse as well. It is good to start each day by drinking warm water with lemon. Drink at least a gallon of water a day and enjoy some herbal teas (green tea or yerba mate) as well.
During the cleanse:
Day 1: You will have 5 juices and one almond milk to drink daily.The almond milk should be drunk at least one hour before you go to bed. Get used to not chewing food, mind over matter. Get enough sleep at night. Try to go sleep early and wake up early, as it will help take your mind off of food and accelerate the cleansing process. If the news upsets you, don’t watch or read it during the cleanse. Keep your spirits up. The body’s largest elimination organ is the skin try body brushing in the morning to rid your body of dead skin cells (I use a loofah sponge) and open your pores. Infrared saunas, massages and warm baths can also serve you well. Drink at least a gallon of water a day and if you are doing strenuous exercise, drink some coconut water as well. If you feel you must eat something stick to raw veggies, fruit, and salads.
Days 2 & 3: Same juices and almond milk as day 1. Feel free to exercise, but don’t over exert yourself. It’s important to listen to your body. Some people will keep up with their CrossFit routines and spin classes but others prefer restorative yoga, meditation, and walking. Just do what feels best for your body. Rest and relaxation are very helpful when it comes to rejuvenating the body, mind, and spirit. Take the time to rest and relax throughout each day of your cleanse.Warm herbal teas can be very comforting during a cleanse.